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  "宜新" 的手藝與車工技術,是行內數一數二的,公司員工,推銷員、車間及安裝師傅,持守團隊精神,合作無間。我們非常注重客人的家居整潔,所以在安裝窗簾前,都先在地板上舖設膠布,完工後師傅會用吸塵機清潔工作範圍的垃圾和塵埃,此舉得到很多客人的讚賞。


ESSENCE’s techniques top the industry. The office staff, front-line sales, sewing and installation technicians together form a cream-team for our success. We put emphasis inkeeping the clients’ household intact. Hence, we cover up the floor every time before the installation work starts. Our workers will vacuum clean the dust and garbage in the affected area afterwards. This has won many clients’ appreciation.


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